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National Youth Leadership Training 2016

NYLT Camp 2016

by Troop Scout Webmaster

National Youth Leadership Training or NYLT, is a chance for Boy Scouts to learn more about how to effectively lead others. Two boys attended from Troop 333 this year.   At camp we are all divided from our troop mates and put with 4-5 other people from different troops. Once that’s done that’s your “patrol” for the week.

Every morning 2 of your patrol mates would go and grab your patrols food crate and you would make do with what you got whether it be eggs or insta-pancakes mix. After breakfast you would go down to a makeshift parade field and have a flag raising ceremony and then go on off to a lecture. At These lectures scouts would learn about teaching methods like EDGE which stands for Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, and Enable. And how to effectively set goals to reach your visions using a method called S.M.A.R.T goals. Smart stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely.  After a few lectures we would go grab our lunch crates and start making lunch.

After lunch more talks and then after that dinner and lights out a few hours later. On some days we would do a fun activity like watch a movie or do a team building activity like the lego challenge where one person from our patrol would go up and look at a lego build, then he would report. Everyday we would switch being the patrol leader so everyone got to be a patrol leader. On thursday we did a cool overnight activity where we would use gps to find a camping spot and then camp there overnight.

Eventually the week came to a close along with the camp. We had a campfire ceremony in which we listened to a story about Baden Powell and learned a little bit more about scouting. After that we were all congratulated on making it through the week and sent home with our parents.

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© 2025 Boy Scout Troop 333 - Boy Scouts of America