Summer Camp
Quick Links: General Information | Dates and Fees | Schedules, Instructional Programs and Leader Training | Forms | Parent Involvement | What to Bring | Buckeye Campsite | Expectations While at Camp

General Information
During June, Troop 333 Scouts head to Camp Manatoc in the Cuyahoga Valley. During the week-long program, Scouts work toward rank advancement via merit badge classes and, for younger scouts, the T-2-1 (Tenderfoot to First Class) program.
Dates and Fees
- Troop camping dates for 2019 are June 16-22. (Father’s Day Sunday thru Saturday)
- Parents may drop off scouts between 11 am and noon on Sunday..
- Parents should pick up scouts BY 9:30 am on Saturday.
- Camp fees include meals (Sunday dinner through Saturday breakfast) and most activities.
- Some merit badge classes require extra materials which can be purchased at the Trading Post.
Schedules, Instructional Programs and Leader Training
Camp is a great opportunity for scouts to work on advancement. First year Boy Scouts usually work on T-2-1 (Tenderfoot-2nd Class-1st Class) requirements, while older scouts take advantage of the 40 or so merit badge classes offered at camp. Special programs are also offered, including an Eagle Scout Workshop for Star Scouts and Life Scouts.
- Summer Camp Link (with guides, links to forms, etc.)
- Summer Camp Forms
- Scouts must have a current Part A, B and C medical form and copy of their medical insurance card on file with the troop. (The medical form can be completed on a computer and updated and printed as needed). Part C of the medical form requires a doctor’s signature. Medical release forms will be collected at a troop meeting prior to camp.
- Parents must turn in a Camper Release form when dropping of their scout
- Optional forms (turn in at drop-off): gift card order form (for purchases at the Trading Post), troop photo order form
Parent Involvement
- Supervision – Troop Leaders and parent volunteers provide 24 x 7 x 4-deep supervision at camp. Parents of scouts attending camp should check their calendars and plan to help. Please go the parent volunteering page to sign up.
- Adults supervising overnight will have their own tent (bring sleeping gear, such as a cot and sleeping bag).
- Adults supervising at camp for 72 or fewer consecutive hours will need a current medical form, parts A and B only; those staying for more than 72 consecutive hours will need to submit a medical form, parts A, B and C.
- Parents Night – Wednesday evening of summer camp is “Parents Night”, when parents and siblings are invited to join the Scouts at Camp Manatoc for Retreat on the Parade Field followed by dinner and an evening program back at the troop’s camp site.
What To Bring
- Suggested Gear Checklist
- Foot locker or other suitable locking storage and a padlock or combination lock to secure their gear.
- Radios, CD players, MP3 players, video game players and cell phones are strongly discouraged at camp.
- Scouts may wish to bring spending money for the Trading Post and money for programs and merit badges that have additional fees (e.g., Order of the Arrow fees, rifle and shotgun tickets, handicraft kits, rocket engines for Space Exploration).
- Any prescription medication must be dropped off with a Troop Leader when the Scout arrives at camp. Non-prescription medication (e.g., ibuprofen) should also be deposited with leaders, but will not be presented to camp medical staff. Medications should be sealed in a plastic bag in an original container, if possible, with the Scout’s name and dosage instructions clearly indicated on an index card. Prescription medications will be secured in a lock box that is controlled by leaders during the week.Buckeye Campsite
Buckeye Campsite
For over 30 years, Troop 333 has claimed the Buckeye Site at Manatoc’s summer camp. Buckeye features 2-person tents on wooden platforms, a covered table area, Troop 333’s “HQ” (leaders staging pavilion), pit latrines and running water.
- Buckeye is located in the southeastern quadrant of Manatoc, due east of the Trading Post and near the archery range (see the Map of Manatoc Scout Reservation).
- The closest parking is in the lot near the Training Lodge.
Expectations While at Camp
- Scouts are expected to be at camp for the week
- Gates are closed and navigation via car is not permitted during most of camp week.
- Parents entering and leaving camp during the week to help with adult coverage of the troop’s site need to check in at the Admin Building.
- For more information, see Troop 333’s Camping Guidelines