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Welcome to Boy Scouts of America Troop 333

Weekly meetings are held on Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 8pm at the Hudson Christ Episcopal Church.  (Note:  This is a NEW time.)

  • Scouts,  wear your Class A uniform.
  • Scoutmaster conferences on the first meeting of the month.
  • Boards of review (when needed… notify your leaders in advance) on the second meeting of the month.

We are a group of young men and dedicated adults having fun and adventure in the great outdoors while living the principles of the Boy Scout Oath and Law.Troop 333, chartered on February 1, 1963, has a rich history of leadership development and a tradition of service to the community.

A significant number of our Scouts achieve the rank of Eagle Scout — a rank attained by fewer than 2% of all youth who enter the Scouting program.

The Troop follows the principles of a “boy-run troop” where Scouts, through their elected leadership, plan and execute the meetings, activities and outings.  The adult leaders act as an ever present resource to help, advise and support them in achieving their goals, which they have indicated are:

  • Make sure that Scouts have fun and learn at the same time.
  • Keep scouts interested in advancement and stay involved in Scouting.
  • Guide boys in planning the troop program.
  • Provide leadership training and developmental opportunities for scouts.

As of January 2018, Troop 333 has connected the Troop Advancement recordkeeping in Scoutbook with the the National BSA ScoutNet system according to BSA recommendations.   Scoutbook makes it MUCH easier for Scouts and parents to keep track of a Scouts progress through the Boy Scout advancement program.

If you have not done so, set up an account on Scoutbook TODAY.

Our Adventures

October 2018:  Ziplining Campout near Loudonville...  Flying through the trees with only one way down! Read more
In June, members of Troop 333 traveled to Seabase in the Florida Keys for a high adventure trip and camped Read more
A group of brave scouts and adults traveled to a world mecca of rock climbing in the Daniel Boone National Read more
© 2024 Boy Scout Troop 333 - Boy Scouts of America
© 2024 Boy Scout Troop 333 - Boy Scouts of America