As Scouts progress through ranks, they develop leadership abilities and learn practical and fun skills. Troop Leaders provide mentoring and oversight during this process. The troop’s Advancement Committee monitors the progress of each Scout, especially early in their careers. Participation on monthly campouts and activities and attending summer camps maximizes a Scout’s opportunity for advancement.
Boy Scout Ranks
- Scout
- Tenderfoot
- Second Class
- First Class
- Star
- Life
- Eagle
- Eagle Palms
Progress through the ranks is tracked by the Scout in the back of the Scout Handbook. (Don’t lose this record!) In addition, as of 2016, the Troop has been encouraging Scouts and their families to use an online advancement tracking system called ScoutBook. In order to get started with ScoutBook, contact the Advancement Coordinator who can send an invitation to your email. This will link you with your Scout and the Troop. ScoutBook makes it easy to track partial completion of rank requirements as well as for parents and Scouts to be able to see what merit badges and ranks have been officially recorded with Council.
T-2-1 (Tenderfoot to First Class)
During their first year in Boy Scouts, Scouts participate in the T-2-1 program, which focuses on knowledge of scouting and the development of outdoor skills. Troop Leaders work with Scouts during troop meetings and at troop campouts and activities to progress through the T-2-1 program.
Youth Leadership Positions
Scouts advance, they assume increasing responsibility within the troop, with ranks of Star and higher requiring service in a leadership position such as:
- Junior Assistant Scout Master
- Senior Patrol Leader
- Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
- Order of the Arrow Representative
- Patrol Leader
- Assistant Patrol Leader
- Bugler
- Chaplain Aid
- Guide
- Historian
- Librarian
- Scribe
Merit Badges
Ranks of Star and higher require that Scouts complete skill-oriented merit badges. Merit badges required for the rank of Eagle include: First Aid, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Communications, Personal Fitness, Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving, Environmental Science, Personal Management, Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling, Camping and Family Life.
Scoutmaster Conferences and Boards of Review
As Scouts move through ranks, they periodically meet with adult leaders for guidance on and assessment of their progress.
- Scoutmaster conferences provide Scouts with opportunities for one-on-one conversation and goal setting with the Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster or members of the Troop Committee.
- When a Scout has met the knowledge, skill and leadership requirements for advancement to the next rank, a Board of Review is convened to determine that the Scout has met the requirements for rank advancement. Boards of Review generally consist of three or more members of the Troop Committee. The Eagle Scout Board of Review is more comprehensive than those at lower ranks. While a Board of Review is most often held for rank advancement, they may also be convened to provide Scouts with goal-setting guidance between ranks.
To request a Scoutmaster Conference or Board of Review, please email the Scoutmaster.
Eagle Projects: Before getting started with an Eagle Project, please see the Eagle Rank Forms and Information. Contact Troop 333’s Eagle Coordinator early in the planning of your project or at any time if you have questions.